Many people have described Life as many things. And one thought is that Life is a game which we play from birth to death.
This game has so many players who come in our lives as family members, friends , colleagues at work place and many more who touch our lives in numerous activities during the course of our lives. Not only human beings but the whole nature in which we live and consciously or unconsciously get affected are also playing an important role in the game called Life.
All these players are continuously presenting before us situations needing our attention. We perceive and react to these different situations differently. In fact same situation can be perceived differently by different people.
Isn't the same thing happening in any game we play. The player who tackles the situation aptly is likely to win and other wise he is bound to lose.
Same way in Life we come across people and happenings which we consider either favourable or unfavourable. The favourable ones make us happy and unfavorable ones unhappy. If we are following this pattern of reaction then we are falling prey to the situations and on our way to lose the game of Life.
The secret to winning the game of Life is to first understand it as a game and not to take it as seriously as we generally take it.
If we are able to maintain our equanimity in all situations , we will win the game. We should not be lost deeply in pride in happy situations and also should not get lost in sorrow in unhappy situations. In case we fall prey to these emotions, we will not be able to perform our duties as required by the circumstances.
The same happened when Arjuna stood in front of his kins in the war of Mahabharata. Falling prey to his emotions, he was ready to leave battle field. It was only after listening to preaching of Gita, he said that now his "moha " or attachment is destroyed and he will follow the preaching of Lord Krishna. And we all know that he fought bravely and won the Dharmayudddha!
The secret of winning the game called Life is to come within your inner consciousness in any situation and tackle it without getting too happy, sad or attached with it. In such a state, our mind is able to make right decision and whatever the outcome we are satisfied and content that we have taken the right action.
Hence if we have taken the inward course of going to our heart or soul , we have won the game and lost if not. The life is continuously presenting before us this game and we like Arjuna have to take a call and play as per God's guidance to be a winner.