Sunday, 28 April 2013


In my previous blog I had mentioned “there seems to exist a greater and grander design of things in which we are small players limited in our abilities to perceive, think and act”. In the present blog I would like to reflect further on this.

If there is a creation, there has to be a creator. And the creator is the best one to know all about the creation. We ourselves are a very small part of the creation which is known to us to some extent and unknown to us to a greater extent. Referring to this my Guru ji and most revered saint “Asharam ji Bapu”  comments”Sitaaron se aagey Jahaan aur bhi hain”, meaning that there exists much more than what our senses perceive. Our scientist friends are trying to find the GOD particle, which made the universe. Their next task will be to find who made the GOD particle!

In Gita, Lord Krishna reveals to Arjuna “You and me have gone through many Lives, I know about them but you don’t.” This indicates towards the existence of a supreme power which is more knowledgeable. Isn’t it visible in our relationship between us and our young ones? The creator is not only more knowledgeable; he also loves and always takes care of His creation. In Gita Lord Krishna says “ANANYOSCHINDAYANDO MAM YE JANAA: PARYUPASATHE THESHAM NITHYABHIYUKTHANAM YOGAKSHEMAM VAHAMYAHAM” or “I take care of the wellbeing of those who are always mindful of me and worship me considering me the basis of everything”.

To get a glimpse of the supreme knowledge we need to go deep within ourselves through meditation. The saints and yogis are able to tell about the unknown through this very ability of theirs to connect with the supreme knowledge. It is said that when Jamshed ji Tata, the founder of Tata Industries asked Vivekananda where to set up steel industry, Vivekananda suggested the name of Jamshedpur only by his meditative foresight and we all know the success story of Tata Industries as Jamshedpur was found to be having big mines of Iron ore.

How we can get benefited by the above facts. Firstly, the belief that there exists a creator who is more knowledgeable, powerful and caring relieves us of our worries and tensions to a great extent. Imagine how relieved and carefree we were as young child when we had a belief that our parents are there always to take care of all our troubles. Secondly if we learn to connect to him through meditation, we get insight into our problems and are able to make ours and our near and dear ones’ life happier. We can develop the meditative insight by being in company of God realized saints through their preaching or “Satsang”. This is why all the saints and scriptures speak so much about the importance of Satsang in our life.
Please visit the website to know more about most revered Saint Asharam ji Bapu, my spiritual Guru whose satsang forms the basis of my blog.

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Most of the times, we are worried about some small or larger problems involving ourselves, our near and dear ones or our society or world at large. Many a times the solution is found by ourselves but on many occasions we have to seek advice of either our friends or experts or consultants of the particular field. Now a days, the Internet is a very convenient source of finding information and especially the younger generation is very good at using this very helpful resource. Perhaps, never earlier the collective wisdom of mankind was so easily accessible.

 Till we have found the solution to any problem our mind is working on it and we are restless to an extent depending upon the gravity of the problem or rather our perception of the gravity. Sometime people go even into deep depression trying to find answers to their problems. The problem with which an ignorant person is worried to a great extent may be trivial for a more knowledgeable or enlightened person.

Nature also teaches many lessons and provides solutions to so many problems. Our great scientists have been researching and finding out solutions from nature and have been making our life simpler and more enjoyable. The inventions of past two-three centuries have changed the lives of mankind to such an extent that it would have been beyond imagination of the people of those times.

Looking at this, there seems to exist a greater and grander design of things in which we are small players limited in our abilities to perceive, think and act. As we become more and more knowledgeable and capable, our limitations, worries and difficulties fade away thus making us more and more happy and satisfied with life. Hence the need is to first realize that there has to be a solution to the problem and next to find the source of the greater wisdom which may be in the form of a person, teacher, book, Internet or Guru.

Spiritual masters have delved into the questions relating to our very existence like who we actually are, where we were before life and where we go after death. All the great religious scriptures, saints, prophets and Gurus aim to enlighten us on these very questions. The famous Hindu scripture Gita is nothing but dialogue between the Guru Krishna and disciple Arjuna who was in a deep dilemma in the battle field. Arjuna’s dilemma was that how he can fight and kill his kith and kins in the battle field. Through Gita, Krishna provides him with all the answers and in the end Arjuna gets over his dilemma and gets ready to fight.

In today’s life also we are faced with similar situations. But we need not get troubled and instead we should try and find the right source of guidance and make ourselves free of worries with the right solutions. Thus, the most important requirement is to have a belief that solutions are available, next is to find the right source of knowledge and then to follow the guidance to get rid of our problems.

Please visit the website to know more about most revered Saint Asharam ji Bapu, my spiritual Guru whose satsang forms the basis of my blog.